Announcement Details


04 March 2025


Dear FWA Members,

I hereby give notice for this year’s Financial Women’s Association General Meeting which will be held physically on Wednesday, 26 March 2025.

The new Executive Committee slate standing for election will continue to strive to do their best of their abilities to empower women to achieve both their professional and personal goals to develop a better financial services Community by promoting education, advancement, and recognition of women, and encouraging young female leaders of tomorrow to advance in finance through mentoring. Finally, to contribute to social and community development for the sustainable betterment of women.

FWA had a very busy and fulfilling 2024 with several events and our flagship IWD. Key highlights in 2024 included 7 monthly events and an annual year end party which collectively engaged more than 750 participants; 4 corporate membership events, engaging 220 members. As of end 2024, we had 48 corporate members and 222 Ordinary / Associate members showing a steady support and growth from our members. Our Champions Engagement Pillar (previously known as Strategic Engagements) held 3 breakfast sessions underpinning the thought leadership approach of FWA Singapore for DEI practices and sharing amongst senior leaders. A fireside chat with the FWA Founder engaging 179 attendees. Our WEimpact pillar held 2 dynamic huddle sessions engaging +80 participants.

Mentoring is a cornerstone of FWA. Thanks to our unique matching approach, the outcomes of our initiative has grown from strength to strength over the years and in 2024 we were faced with a successful sign-up rate with a final selection of 39 mentees and 39 mentors from 30 financial institutions, and 3 in person events.

Staying connected with our members is key and our Linkedln following continues to grow with roughly 4.9k followers to date. To ensure connectivity to members, we have a Whatsapp broadcast channel in place since 2023 to socialize our activities. Furthermore, to ensure strong communication and connectivity amongst our volunteers; we launched the FWA Volunteers Whatsapp Channel.

2024 was a year of great achievement. In addition to the activities above; FWA was involved in the preparation of the CFA DEI Code. Our annual offsite ensured that collectively as an Executive Committee we are aligned towards achieving the mission for FWA Singapore as we aim to reach more women in finance and thus achieving our goal to make a meaningful impact to women in Singapore.

The new Exco slate to be presented at the AGM looks forward to sharing more exciting plans with you on the year ahead.

Please note this event is open to members only and is free of charge. We invite all FWA members to attend the AGM. Registration will be required, and details are below.

Grishma Kewada
Financial Women’s Association Singapore